Monday, 24 June 2013

Guinea pig update!

Guinea pigs
What is a Guinea pig?

The Guinea pig, also called the cavy, is a species of rodent.
Guinea pigs originally came from South America, living in the Andes Mountains in Peru. 
Guinea pigs have basic needs a nice cage with space to play and move. 
·         Life span can be 5-8 years.
·         Guinea pigs are large for rodents, weighing between 700 and 1200g, and measuring between 20 and 25cm in length.
·         If you are going to keep a male and female Guinea pig in the same cage it is advisable to have them neutered or spayed.

Different types of Guinea pigs:
Rex Guinea pig
Hairless Guinea pig
Abyssinian Guinea pig
Texel Guinea pig

Is a Guinea pig the right pet for me?  If you looking for a small pet, that is easy to handle, and not to demanding, then a Guinea pig may be what you looking for.
  1. They tend to be most active during morning and during the evening.
  2. They will whistle on the owner’s approach when they become familiar with their owner.
  3. They will learn to whistle in response to the opening of refrigerator doors or rustling of plastic bags, where their food is most usually stored.
  4. Guinea pigs eat their own droppings, usually directly from the below. Yup. This is perfectly normal for some animals and it is called coprophagy.
  5. After its cage has been thoroughly cleaned, a guinea pig will usually urinate and drag the lower body across the floor of the cage to mark its territory.
  6. Guinea pigs are curious by nature and they show considerable curiosity when allowed to walk freely.
  7. Guinea pigs as a pet is quite responsive, interactive, but also easily intimidated. Usually does not bite, but it is quite possible. They can become very used to handling.
  8. Guinea pigs are not demanding, small in size and peaceful in nature.
  9. Guinea pigs like company!!



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