Friday, 28 June 2013

Ball Python Snakes

Ball Python Snake

My son has 2 ball python snakes, I must say that the ball pythons do have pretty patterns and for this reason people even collect these snakes.

Snakes are I would say by far the easiest of pets to have. They really don’t take up allot of time. They pretty and when they on the move one can sit and enjoy watching them.

We have a huge tank for his snakes, with a humid section and a warm section.  We put a thermometer in either side of the tank.  This aids in keeping the temperature regulated.   We added lighting and a heating pad.  A good sized shelter for hiding and sleeping.  A big bowl for fresh water, for drinking and bathing in.  We added greenery and rocks, not heated rocks just normal rocks.

We handle our snakes often; this has allowed the snakes to get use to us, although I must say it is still a bit intimidating when the female hisses. We do in the warmer summer months allow our snakes to sail on the grass in our garden, under our watchful eye of cause.

Here are some pictures of our snakes:

In the water bowl

In the garden

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