Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Part 1; Which dog is right for you?

Part 1:  Which dog is right for you?

In South Africa there are 7 different groups of dogs, characteristics like temperament and physical appearance of a dog may dictate into what group the breed is placed.  A dog’s individual temperament may be related to the socialisation and upbringing from an early age.

Organisations and registration bodies around the world have their own rules and regulations with regards to how dogs are categorised.

Here are the first 2 groups:

Good-natured Gundogs are loyal, reliable, sporty and relaxed.  These dogs were bread to assist the hunter, including flush out and retrieving game. Retrievers, Spaniels, Setters and Pointers fall into this dog group.

This dog may be right for you if:

  • You are a sporty person keen on exercising with your dog.
  • You want a dog that gets on well with other dogs and children.
  • You want an active dog.
  • You don’t mind a dog that requires grooming or that sheds.

Hardy Hounds are even-tempered, loyal, sensitive and affectionate. Hounds were bred for sport hunting. They have an excellent olfactory sense for tracking, they are built for speed, enabling them to pursue and secure their prey. Dogs in the hound group are the Beagle, Afghan and Whippet. Hounds make peaceable family pets that thrive on love and companionship.  In the hound group size and coat types differ considerably and temperaments differ.

This dog may be right for you if:

  • You want a dog that needs exercise.
  • You don’t mind working harder in training.
  • You have a safe, secure garden – they like to dig and jump
  • You don’t mind a dog that likes to bark or howl

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