Saturday, 15 March 2014

This is Sheila, my boerbull, in  a previous article I introduced her to everyone.  She has had both her knees replaced and now we in the recovery phase, here she is doing resistance training on a treadmill in water, hydro therapy!!

Friday, 18 October 2013

Water bottle for doggies!!

Dogs can become dehydrated quickly after just a few hours in the park, especially on a hot, summer day, when they are likely to lose water quickly due to excessive panting. You can save your dog the discomfort and danger of dehydration by always keeping a supply of fresh water on hand for walks, park visits, and car trips.
Here is a handy product to buy for your doggy!

Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies were used for centuries by the Chukchi Tribe. The Chukchi people are an ancient Arctic tribe, they were traditionally herding people, herding reindeer and as a watchdog they used the Siberian Husky. This was the perfect working dogs for the harsh Siberian conditions: hardy, able to integrate into small packs, and quite happy to work for hours on end. The dogs have great stamina and are lightweight.
These dogs are truly beautiful animals. However many times they are bought because of their beauty and when the realisation of having one of these dogs sets in many are dumped at the nearest SPCA.
This is not a breed for everyone, these dogs are hyperactive and need to be exercised daily, they worker dogs and this is what they live for.  They need to be groomed and there dietary needs are different to other dogs.  They like to dig holes in your garden and yes they howl!!
So think twice before you buy one and make the dog another statistic!

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Geese in a pool!!

When you don’t have a pond for your geese its best you improvise and come up with that alternative!! These geese had so much fun in their new pool!!

Filling up the pool

Diving to the bottom

Bottoms up!!

We had tried every possible blow up pool but it was just not deep enough for the geese, they like to dive and swim around the pool as fast as they could.  Eventually we found this pool, it was only 60cm deep but this provided a little bit of depth for the geese to dive to the bottom.