Monday, 16 September 2013

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Geese in a pool!!

When you don’t have a pond for your geese its best you improvise and come up with that alternative!! These geese had so much fun in their new pool!!

Filling up the pool

Diving to the bottom

Bottoms up!!

We had tried every possible blow up pool but it was just not deep enough for the geese, they like to dive and swim around the pool as fast as they could.  Eventually we found this pool, it was only 60cm deep but this provided a little bit of depth for the geese to dive to the bottom.


Monday, 2 September 2013

Lovely pic of a Peacock!!

This is the greeting I received when I arrived at one of my clients offices.
What a beautiful site to see, I could not resist and had to take this pic!!

Update on the tick n flea product!

Update on the Tick and Flea product.

The product used is Spot on From Bob Martin.  Apparently the product can have side effects on some dogs.  Buddy is a little ToyPom and the side effects were hyperactivity, lack of eating and restlessness, hyperventilating.
Buddy was given medication to calm him down and medication to get the poison out his little system.
His on his way to a full recovery.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Look at these Rabbits!! Wow what huge bunnies>>>>>>>>>>>

This bunny must east a huge amount of food to get like this.
I wonder if it is a specific breed of rabbit?

 Maybe these are the bunnies that deliver all the Easter eggs!! Sure looks like they have eaten a few!!