Sunday, 1 September 2013

Look at these Rabbits!! Wow what huge bunnies>>>>>>>>>>>

This bunny must east a huge amount of food to get like this.
I wonder if it is a specific breed of rabbit?

 Maybe these are the bunnies that deliver all the Easter eggs!! Sure looks like they have eaten a few!!

Saturday, 31 August 2013



A friend of mines doggie – ToyPom is very ill after they used a product purchased at the local store for flea and tick control.
I am waiting to hear the outcome of the doggies visit at the vet hospital.
I will let you know which product and what they symptoms were.
Will keep you all posted!!

Saturday, 24 August 2013

FaceBook Page

Hello All,

Please find our page on FaceBook and like us.
Pets Unite - South Africa
Go on I know you want to click!!